Virtual support group launches to support those affected by cancer
Palace for Life Foundation has joined MacMillan Cancer Support and Croydon Social Prescribing to launch a new cancer support group. The Cancer Creativity sessions will provide those living with or affected by cancer with a safe space to discuss the challenges they are facing and grow their support network.
The new sessions will run via Zoom starting on Wednesday 18th November 2020. The sessions are aiming to bring to positivity, a sense of community and creativity into the lives of people who may be affected by cancer. The sessions will run for the lead up to the festive period and just beyond to help with isolation, sharing new or developing creative skills whilst supporting each other in the group.
As we enter into a national lockdown, cancer services may once again be reduced or stopped, with these added anxieties it is important that we help ourselves and support each other in a safe, shielded, confidential and fun space.
The group is open to anyone who either currently has cancer, is caring for someone with cancer or has recently cared for someone.
You can book your place here.