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Prudential RideLondon Blog: Rob Sutherland

We spoke to Palace fan Rob Sutherland has already taken on the Prudential RideLondon four times, and this year he’s taking part representing Palace.

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“I cycle quite regularly anyway but my training has become really focused over the past three weeks to make sure I’m in good shape for the ride. I’ve done RideLondon four times before, so I have an idea of what to expect on the day and how to prepare myself properly.

I think you have to look forward to the challenge on the day, and the knowledge that you’ll complete it. I wouldn’t say that I’m looking forward to the hills, but they’re a big part of that challenge. Knowing I’ve raised money for local causes, while riding in Palace cycling kit, will be a great feeling.

I love RideLondon. It’s an opportunity to do something I love, riding around the closed streets of London and Surrey, while raising money for a great cause. There are people of all sorts of abilities taking part, and the finish line always feels like a place of celebration. You really feel like you’ve achieved something when you see the pros doing the same course, albeit extended a bit!

Palace for Life isn’t just about supporting the local community, although that’s its core purpose. But it’s about unity; about Palace fans coming together for a common goal. Whether you’re walking a marathon or riding a century, you’re doing it for a cause that matters greatly to fans. Palace are a community club and the charity is an embodiment of that community. I’m glad to be raising money for them.”

If you would like to donate to Rob’s JustGiving page, click HERE.

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