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Positive mental wellbeing exercises

Palace for Life Mental Well-being Coordinator shares exercises individuals can try to help to improve their mental wellbeing.

This Mental Health Awareness Week, we spoke to Palace for Life Mental Wellbeing Coordinator, Tom, who shared some challenges to try this week (and in future weeks!) to improve mental wellbeing.


  1. Be grateful.  At the end of every day this week write down 3 things that you are thankful for. This could be big things like family or health. Or small things like coco-pops! Writing these down daily helps us to appreciate and feel positive about what we have, focusing less on what we don’t.


  1. Meditate. Sit in a chair with your feet firmly on the floor and your hands on your lap or by your side. Close your eyes and feel your body. Feel your clothes on your back, your back on the chair, your feet on the floor. Listen for everything, not just what’s obvious – what can you actually hear? Focus on the immediate self and body and take 10 deep breaths through the nose and out through the mouth. Feel the tension and weight from your shoulders drop as you breathe the last breath out, then open your eyes.


  1. Take an elongated period away from screens. At some point this week, give yourself a period of a few hours with no screen time. Find an appropriate time when there is perhaps a lull in your responsibilities. Appreciate your surroundings and have some peaceful time to yourself, whilst reconnecting to the physical world!


  1. Show someone you love them. Often we take our nearest and dearest for granted. This week make a phone call or write a letter to someone close to you telling them what they mean to you and why. Reminding those around you of their importance to you will only strengthen relationships and garner more trust and love.


  1. Experiment! Try something new. This doesn’t necessarily mean go sky diving or visit another country! Simple things at home can help to broaden perspectives and garner more interests. For example, try cooking a new recipe with a new food you haven’t tried before.


  1. Help someone! Acts of kindness not only help others but will also help you – increasing confidence and positivity. You could sign up to volunteer or perhaps start smaller by helping a neighbour with their shopping or gardening.


  1. Get creative! This could be painting, drawing, sculpting or composing – embrace your creative side! It’s a great way to relax, live in the moment and feel like you’ve accomplished something.


  1. Spend 30 minutes in nature. Find somewhere you can’t see any buildings, structures, anything grey and look for something you’ve never seen before. The likelihood is that it won’t take that long. Find something you find that is calming, educational, enlightening or inspiring!


Please do talk to those around you and, if you need a professional hand, don’t hesitate to use the free services below.

Samaritans, open for anyone, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year: 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org

CALM, open 5pm-midnight every day for men: 0800 58 58 58

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