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Mark Bright joins star-studded Marathon March line-up

Join the Marathon March before September 14 HERE

Former Eagles forward Mark Bright is the latest Palace legend to join the Palace for Life Foundation Marathon March on Saturday 13 October. Bright, who is also director of under-23 development football at the club, scored 92 league goals during a six-year spell at Palace and is keen to show his support for the local community.

Mark Bright

“I am proud of the work Crystal Palace and the Foundation do in the community and having missed last year’s walk, I’m pleased to be taking part in this year’s Marathon March in October. I look forward to meeting the fans and exchanging some banter whilst doing my part for a great cause.”

Bright will be joining 140 Palace fans and legends to walk 26.2 miles from Selhurst Park to Trafalgar Square in support of the club’s official charity. Chairman Steve Parish will also take on the challenge, alongside former players Andrew Johnson, Andy Gray, Sasa Curcic, Eddie McGoldrick and Neil Shipperley.

Funds raised through the Marathon March will help the Foundation run activities such as free sports sessions in areas of deprivation, disability football teams and mentoring young people who are at risk of getting involved with crime. Palace fans have already raised over £10,000 but we are aiming to beat the £67,000 raised last year.

Fans wanting to take part have just one week left to sign up, with applications closing on Friday 14 September. SIGN UP HERE.

Steve Parish and Andrew Johnson at the 2017 Marathon March

After walking the final five miles at the event in 2017 and making a donation himself, Steve Parish will complete the walk and is encouraging more fans to sign up:

I have seen first-hand the amazing work the Foundation does to inspire young people to make genuine, long lasting changes to their lives. In 2017, I was inspired to see so many Palace fans come together for the Marathon March in support of the Foundation’s work and that is why I have decided to take part this October.

“The Marathon March is a really unique way for south Londoners to support the Foundation and raise vital funds to help the community, I’m really looking forward to the challenge and would encourage Palace fans to join me.”

The Marathon March is a marathon-length walk from Selhurst Park to Trafalgar Square taking place on Saturday 13 October 2018. The social event is open to anyone, and is non-competitive, where the primary aim is to raise money for Palace for Life Foundation. All participants are asked to register for £25 and commit to raising a minimum of £300 each in sponsorship and all those that do will see their name printed in the Palace matchday programme and on the Palace for Life website.

Each year the Foundation works with almost 13,000 young people across south London to help them build for a brighter future. Help the Foundation reach even more young people next year, sign up for the Marathon March by Friday 14 September HERE.

To find out more information about the March or if you are interested in organising your own fundraising event, get in touch with adeleatiyah@palaceforlife.org or on 07523 515 708.

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