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Marathon March 2019: ‘Let’s make it bigger and better’

Palace legends Andy Johnson and Mark Bright are taking part in the third annual Palace for Life Marathon March and they want you to join them!

sign up to the marathon march here!

More than 50 Eagles fans have already pledged to walk this year’s marathon-length walk from Selhurst Park to Trafalgar Square on Saturday 12 October. The event brings together Palace fans and legends and last year raised over £100,000 to support vulnerable young south Londoners.

Set to take part in his third Marathon March is Andy Johnson: “I’m really pleased to confirm that I’ll be back at the Marathon March for a third time this year and going for my hat-trick!

“Having walked alongside Palace fans and some of my former team mates at this event for the past two years, there was no hesitation in my mind about whether I’d return, it’s an amazing day from start to finish.

“The amount of money we’ve raised for Palace for Life Foundation’s work with youngsters in the community is staggering and I hope we can top it this year. I’m calling on as many Palace fans to join me and sign up today.”

Fellow club legend Mark Bright will take on the challenge for the second year running: “The Marathon March was an amazing day out last year and it was a pleasure to walk and talk with so many fans.

“Completing the walk and knowing we’d raised so much money to help youngsters in the community was a wonderful feeling.

“I’m already looking forward to taking part again this year, let’s make it bigger and better.”

As an added incentive, any fans who, like Andy Johnson, will be going for their Marathon March hat-trick will receive a special edition ‘magic hat’!

The social event is open to anyone, and is non-competitive, where the primary aim is to raise money for Palace for Life Foundation. All participants are asked to register for £25 and commit to raising a minimum of £300 each in sponsorship.

Sign up here

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