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ACE Session design new stadium during lockdown

Our Asian Community Engagement home school group have been building their dream versions of the new Selhurst Park.

Our Asian Community Engagement coaches challenged children on our home-school programme to present a new Crystal Palace stadium to mirror the plans to renovate the stadium.

Our participants were asked to present a model that should showcase creativity and a theme associated with Crystal Palace. The participants presented their stadium designs to the group, showing their artistic flair and love of Crystal Palace.

All the designs showed a great level of thought and research, showing a Crystal Palace theme through the iconic red and blue and iconic Palace shapes.

Speaking about the project, lead coach Hazmi Bahrin said: “It is important to keep participants engaged and connected to the Foundation even when sessions have to stop, and the competition element of this initiative added some much needed motivation and excitement into our programme.”

For the last session of the term, we gave out goodie bags to the winners and Palace for Life bags for everyone that took part in the challenge.

Giving feedback on the sessions, one parent said: “Umar has been attending the sessions since they began and still looks forward to them every week.”

Another parent added: “Rumaysa’s only recently joined and she loves the sessions already so much.”

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