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Take part in the 5th anniversary Marathon March!

Sign up is live for our annual Marathon March, which will take place on Saturday 9th October 2021.

Sign up to the 2021 Marathon March

Celebrate the 5th Anniversary Marathon March with Palace for Life Foundation and take part in the 26.2 mile walk around our home of south London, with a brand-new route for 2021.

Taking place on Saturday 9th October 2021 and starting and finishing at Selhurst Park, we will end with a lap of the pitch before a Palace party at the ground!

The four previous years of the Marathon March have seen the likes of Eddie Izzard, Steve Parish, Mark Bright and Andy Johnson take part, walking alongside hundreds of fans of all ages.

The marathon-length walk will be running for its fifth year, and we want to make it our biggest and best event yet. The social event is open to anyone, and is non-competitive, where the primary aim is to raise money for Palace for Life.

Patrick McNamara, who has taken part three times, said: “It’s a wonderful experience with brilliant people. I think we all know what we raise the money for, but the truth is, every walker probably doesn’t realise the change they’re actually making to people’s lives and that is the beauty of it.

“It’s set up very well, the staff and everyone included always make you feel part of something and that’s why I always end up coming back for more.”

Palace fans, along with sponsor Utilita, have raised over £350,000 for the Foundation at the event over the past four years, directly supporting our work with vulnerable young people in south London.

Palace for Life Chief Executive Mike Summers said: “This year’s Marathon March, which took place with social distancing during the pandemic, was a testament to the commitment of Palace fans to their community. We raised over £75,000 which helped us to run a week-long activity camp that provided an outlet for local children who have had a very difficult year.

“We know the effects of this pandemic will be far-reaching and will hit the most vulnerable hardest, which is why we will need the ongoing support of the fans. I hope to see as many of you as possible there with us on the start line in 2021!”


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