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Marathon March Stories: Steve Smith

A series of stories uncovered by Andrew McSteen on why people take part in the Marathon March and what Palace for Life means to them.


Marathon March Stories: Steve Smith, Ascot

On why he is participating in the Marathon March:

“One of the main things is to support the Foundation. I’m a big, big Palace fan and decided to partake (in the march) three weeks ago. I’ve been thinking about it for about four months and last minute, we decided to just do it.

“I hit 59, and I thought ‘I’m going to hit 60 next year’. I going to be another year older, I’ve always wanted to do something like this and I keep putting it off, putting it off. I just thought; ‘you know what? If I don’t do it now, I will never do it’.

“This fellow here (points to his friend, Nick Gilbert) we’ve had a few drinks in the pub and then we decided to sign up straight away, sports drinks obviously.”


On his experience of the Marathon March so far:

“It’s us two, we’re buddied up today. We obviously know a few quite here, like Paul and Beulah, because we’re part of the Holmesdale Cravatics (supporters group). We know a few other people here but not as many as I thought. We’ve met a few new people on the route but not too many as we’ve been keeping our speed up and keeping going.”

“We’ve done about fours now and we’ve got another four hours to go. I feel better than I thought. I can’t believe how I feel at the moment, it’s brilliant, fantastic. I’m feeling quite good, quite fit. I can do this.”


On how the fundraising for the Marathon March went:

“Brilliant. It’s the first I’ve fundraised. I’ve used social media like Facebook, Twitter etc. I’m a taxi driver so I’ve been using that. Some of the customers so in my cab, they’ve been quite generous. Within three weeks I’ve raised about £450 – it’s very surprising (how good it was), but I’ve got some good friends, a lot of Palace support too.

“Last Sunday, against Leicester and then in the pub afterwards, I virtually reached my (fundraising) target in that one afternoon. It’s been a great experience.”


On participating as a Palace fan and what that means:

“It makes me feel completely proud. What the Foundation does, what the club does, it’s all part of the community. Obviously, I’m living away from that (in Ascot), but I still feel part of it. Being brought up and living around Thornton Heath. It’s fantastic and it’s exciting, what the club, Foundation and everyone are doing. Long may it continue.”


To be a part of the 2022 Marathon March, or to find out more, click HERE.

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