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Marathon March Stories: Joanne & Sarah

A series of stories uncovered by Andrew McSteen on why people take part in the Marathon March and what Palace for Life means to them.

Marathon March Stories: Joanne Newman

On why she is participating in the Marathon March, in the half marathon:

“To support a really worthy cause. I’ve work in education, helping young adults and special needs children and youth get into work. (This is) great, great.

“My fiancé has done it (before), so we’ve done it as a family this year: me, my fiancé, my daughter who is 16 and my son who started doing the marathon this morning so we’re just joining in now.

“There’s a little bit of a competitive element (laughs).”


On what she is enjoying about the day so far:

“Everyone’s just been so friendly and welcoming. You don’t know people but they’re just welcoming, friendly, just trying to help each other out and support.”


On what she knows about the Palace for Life Foundation:

“Just what I’ve seen in their communications and through the club, obviously websites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram.”


On what she would say to people who may be considering participating in the Marathon March but have not yet:

“Just do it. Challenge yourself. Start off slow, do the half like we’ve done first.”


Marathon March Stories: Sarah Valentine

Daughter of Joanne Newman


On her experience of the Marathon March so far:

“We encourage each other, we help motivate each other, have a bit of a laugh and joke whilst doing it and just support each other. We’re all just walk together as a family.”


On participating as a Palace fan and what that means: 

“I am Palace supporter through and through, I go to all the matches. I feel quite proud because of the support and the enthusiasm of everyone. It’s a real family atmosphere here.”


To be a part of the 2022 Marathon March, or to find out more, click HERE.

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