Marathon March Stories: Catherine D'Rozario
A series of stories uncovered by Andrew McSteen on why people take part in the Marathon March and what Palace for Life means to them.
Marathon March Stories: Catherine D’Rozario
Palace for Life Women’s Walking Football Team
On why she is participating in the Marathon March:
“To help raise money for the fantastic Palace for Life Foundation that do wonderful work in the local community.”
On whom she is walking with:
“We’re the Palace for Life women’s walking football team. We’ve been together for a couple of years now. We’ve got a great bond and I’ve really enjoyed training together. This is our second Marathon March.
“It’s great. We have been training. We meet regularly at the weekends and do a walk. That’s been absolutely fantastic.”
On the Marathon March today:
“You couldn’t have asked for a better day, could you? The rain stopped, so fingers crossed that last until the end.”
On how the Palace for Life Foundation have supported her team:
“They started the group up for us and arranged the training for us at Monks Hill every Thursday. They also supply the coaches so we have two coaches that come and help us.”
On her feelings as a Crystal Palace supporter being involved in the Marathon March which incorporates Selhurst Park, the training ground, academy and original site of the very first game of the club – Crystal Palace Park:
“It’s great. I’m a season ticket holder, a big Palace fan. To see the academy (is great), and I know it’s near completion so we’re hoping at some point in the future to get a walking football game there.”
Find out more about Palace for Life’s Women’s walking football team, here.
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