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Marathon March 2024

Our eighth Marathon March is taking place on the 12th October 2024.

Happy new Year Palace fans! We’re thrilled to start the new year by announcing that the Marathon March, powered by Utilita Giving, is back for its eighth year!

Sign up now. 

On the 12th October 2024 – during the international break – Palace fans will be hitting the streets once again to complete our annual fundraiser – a 26.2 mile walk around our home in south London.

Since 2016, Palace fans have raised over half a million pounds for young people across our community, and with a record-breaking total of participants last year – 200 – and money raised – £102,000 – we need your help to make it even bigger for 2024.

The Marathon March is a non-competitive event and is an opportunity for every member of the community to get stuck in, walk together and raise money to help transform the lives of young south Londoners.

Powered by the success of last year’s march, where over 200 Palace fans collectively raised an astounding £102,000, we can’t wait to make the 2024 Marathon March even better. We’re still working on the route, but we promise to pass iconic landmarks and conclude with a lap of the pitch followed by a themed party at the stadium.

Check out the highlights from last year’s march.

Funds raised will be contributing to crucial projects, focusing on keeping young people away from violence, providing career opportunities, and supporting mental and physical health.

On the day itself we will provide you with your Marathon March T-Shirt as well as breakfast, lunch and dinner to keep you fuelled up during the 26.2-mile walk. Once you cross the finish line, your finishers medal, and a free drink will be waiting for you.

All participants are asked to pay a registration fee of £25 (£20 for half route, £10 under 18s) and to commit to raising a minimum of £300 each in sponsorship.

If you want to fundraise as a family or a group we will ask you to commit to the below pledges:

Group of four = £600

Group of five = £750

Group of six = £900

Group of 7+ = £1,000

Please contact our fundraising team (fundraising@palaceforlife.org) to let us know if you are fundraising as a group or if you have any other queries.

Sign up for the Marathon March.

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