Home > News > Eddie Izzard to take on Marathon March…this time from LA!

Eddie Izzard to take on Marathon March...this time from LA!

Actor, comedian, Palace for Life Patron and long time Eagles supporter Eddie Izzard will once again be taking on the Marathon March on the 14th of October - this time from right across the world in the City of Angels - Los Angeles!

Eddie Izzard has been a Palace supporter since seeing her first game with her brother back in 1969, stepping across the road from her auntie’s house on Whitehorse Lane.

She has been supporting Palace for Life for many years now and will be taking on her fifth Marathon March this October.

In 2021 Eddie completed the March all the way over in Toronto, Canada and in 2022 she completed it slightly closer to home – 150 miles away in Sheffield.

This year, despite work commitments, she’s taking the Palace spirit global again by accepting the challenge 4,500 miles away in Los Angeles, and in a bonkers spirit of solidarity, Eddie will be starting the March at midnight to account for the eight-hour time difference between LA and south London.

On taking part in her fifth March, Eddie said: “I am very happy to be able to do a marathon each year, to be able do my bit to help kids in South London. I think it would make my auntie Bea very happy as well. She lived at 177 Whitehorse Lane, was my mum’s older sister and was often like a surrogate mother to my mum. Mum died when me and my brother were very young, so auntie Bea and Whitehorse Lane meant a lot to us.”

If you can’t make it this year, but still want to support our Marchers, you can donate here.

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