Palace at Home: Study Tips
With a lot of learning now being delivered virtually and online it is important that you are prepared and ready to study. Our schools team have created some top tips that will help you achieve the best results when studying from home.
Tip 1: Pick the right study space
It is likely that your home will be very different to where you normally study however there are some basic principles that will help convert any space into a study space.
Firstly, try find a space that is quiet with little distractions, we understand this might be difficult with many people being in the household at the moment but it is important you find somewhere where you can concentrate. If the household is busy perhaps explain you are studying for a certain amount of time so they are aware.
Try to keep your study space tidy. This allows you to stay well organised and is a great way to help you stay calm.
Switch up where you study. To allow some variety and avoid you getting bored of learning in the same place try to see if you can change your study location.
Try avoid learning on your bed. Where possible avoid learning where you sleep. It is best to distinguish where you work and where you can relax/enjoy your ‘me time’. If this is not possible, make sure you create a ‘study space’ so there is a difference from when you sleep to when you learn. Also ensure that your posture is correct i.e. not slouching.
Tip 2: Find a routine
Learning at home can make it very easy for work and leisure to become blurred. You may end up finding it hard to study and instead take part in leisure activities or the complete opposite and over work yourself without having important ‘me time’.
To avoid this, create a routine that you can stick to.
Set an alarm. Working from home can be very demoralising and laying in can become more tempting but buy setting an alarm you are getting yourself ready for the day.
Create yourself a daily timetable. Creating a timetable will help you to break up your day and highlight when it’s time to study and when it’s time to relax. A timetable will also allow you to prioritise and organise your learning – it can be similar to your normal study schedule if this helps.
Tip 3: How do you learn?
Everyone will have a way in which they learn best, this might be from writing notes, doing something practically or simply just watching. It is key that you take into consideration how you learn when trying to study at home. We understand that the majority of learning will be provided online however you can adapt this to fit your learning style. Do you need to print the work so you can read it in person? Maybe watch a video online explaining the topic further? Post-it notes to help you remember? Or perhaps talk to someone in the household about the topic?
There are many ways in which you can adjust your studying to align with your learning style.
If you would like some more information on what your learning style could be, visit the website below:
Tip 4: Take a break
Whilst studying might be a high priority for yourself it is essential that you take adequate breaks throughout the day. This not only helps you concentrate more when you are studying but also avoids any additional stress. Breaks can be different lengths of time, some prefer multiple short breaks, whilst others prefer bigger blocks. Perhaps during your breaks you can try something new that isn’t related to your school work? Exercising and physical activity have been known to help increase your motivation and your general mood. If you would like to have a go at trying something new, Palace for Life’s new programme, Palace at Home, has a range of activities that you can do at home.
To see the Palace at Home activities and resources, click here.
Tip 5: Think about your long-term ambitions
With everything that is going on right now it can be hard to think of the future, however this can help when trying to find the motivation to study. Try to think about what you would like to achieve beyond the current situation and highlight steps you need to take to get there. Understand that what is happening right now isn’t permeant and that we will return to normality soon.
Tip 6: Keep in touch with friends and family
It’s very easy to seclude yourself when studying at home, your routine has completely changed, you’re not seeing the same faces you normally would and that can be daunting. Connect in fun and quirky ways, communicate in ways you wouldn’t have before or make home versions of activities you would normally do together. Movie nights at home, online escape rooms, quizzes etc. Or even a simple text or phone call. Try keep in touch with friends and family as much as you can, they might be going through the same emotions as you or can support you in ways you didn’t know.
Tip 7: Know where you can find support
This situation is not something you are facing alone, a lot of changes and disruption can evoke a lot of emotions and take a mental toll. There are many organisations and individuals who can help support what you are going through so there is no need to try tackle this alone. Similarly, friends, family, peers or teachers can help support you when you need it, reaching out is a great way to take the load off your back.