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Join Crystal Palace Powerchair FC

The Palace Powerchair team is going from strength to strength, and there’s still opportunities to join the squad!

As a result of some major Foundation wide fundraising events, such as the Super Draw and Brighton Half Marathon, we have managed to buy 3 more brand new modern sports chairs in an eye-catching Palace red and blue.

These chairs have enabled each player to have access to a chair of their own during our weekly Wednesday evening training sessions in Waddon, and have helped the team to win their first ever league points.

One of the players, 15-year-old Joel Sprouse, has been with the team since he was 11. Speaking after the team’s recent 1-1 draw with Faversham Town, Joel said: “It’s amazing that people have been supporting us, it means we’re able to be a better team, I’d like to say thank you to all of them.”

“We’re not at a disadvantage anymore, we’re able to pass the ball more quickly around the pitch. The chairs have got the Palace colours and they look brilliant!”

Born with femoral hypoplasia, a rare condition affecting his growth, his mum, Janice, told us, that Crystal Palace Powerchair FC has been life changing: “Joel was never sporty growing up, but he absolutely loved it from the outset. He loved using the powerchair and the camaraderie of it, I just saw a new side of my son come to life.”

“It’s for all people and it’s all-inclusive. It’s liberating, because when you have a disability, that can stop you from joining in with your peers and there can be limitations to what you can do, but powerchair football gets rid of all of that.”

The Crystal Palace Powerchair Football Club continues to go from strength to strength, as you can see here from their latest Palace TV appearance.

If you would like to be part of this great team then please contact Michael Harrington at michaelharrington@palaceforlife.org

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